Since 2004 Legal Label, Inc. helps manufacturers, importers and distributors navigate the confusing world of state and federal labeling requirements. We assist companies with the various regulatory requirements associated with the offering of bedding products, upholstered furniture pieces, and plush/stuffed toys in the United States and Canada.
We can assist you with:
- Obtaining a Uniform Registry Number (URN, also known as a “REG NO.”)
- Getting your URN recognized in the 13 regulating states, plus 1 city
- Designing, formatting, and overall review of your law label (and other labels)
- Renewals and keeping registrations current
- Confirming proper registration of your vendors
- Violations and Stop Sale Orders
- Obtaining Sterilization Permits
- Secondhand Bedding Rules
- Obtaining Canadian Registration
Legal Label is proud to be an active member of the International Association of Bedding and Furniture Labeling Officials (IABFLO) and The International Sleep Products Association (ISPA). We are honored to have been of service to a number of Fortune 500 companies, including many leaders in the textile and bedding markets. Professional references are always available. See what some of our clients have to say about us.
If you need a better understanding of law labeling and licensing, subscribe to our YouTube channel for free educational videos and like us on Facebook.