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Our Notes from IABFLO 2018!

We are back from an informative and fun IABFLO industry conference held in Asheville, NC!

Highlights include excellent thought-provoking presentations, round table state reports on new initiatives, and a bit of fun touring the iconic Biltmore Estate and downtown Asheville (French Broad Chocolate FTW!)

Many of the state updates and initiatives have been reported in our previous newsletter, but here are some highlights worth noting:

Ā Pennsylvania has updated their application forms for all licensing types, but they are expecting a new form to be forthcoming.

Virginia is revising their regulations for bedding and upholstered furniture. They are requesting any members interested in joining their stakeholders group contact Olive McCormick via email to be added. On-line license lookup and possibly credit card payment could be forth coming as well!

Detroit has discontinued pet bedding registration and also looking ahead to implementing online lookup for licensing status and processing credit card payments.

North Carolina, the gracious host state for the conference, was there in full force! They are looking into the possibility of having their system send an automatic PDF when a license is issued to the licensee.

Utah indicated that the new law to have the sterilization permit listed on the textile label for clothing filled with feather and down sold in Utah will be actively enforced as of July 2022.

Rhode Island confirmed that Bill #5082 was amended in Oct 2017 with a new effective date of July, 2019.

California has a new bureau chief, Nicholas Oliver. California has also introduced Assembly Bill 2998 regarding Juvenile products flame retardant materials. If passed, the bill would have prohibitions on manufacturers from selling or distributing juvenile products, mattresses, or upholstered furniture that contains flame retardant chemicals at levels above 1,000 parts per million.