Several states require that you report the number of items you ship or sell in their state.
Required States | Due Dates | Shipped or Sold | Notes | Fee (multiply by # of articles) |
Detroit, MI | January 31 each year | Sold In | Requires a total for: pillows, toys; mattresses; sofa beds-mattress instert | $.04/$.08/ $.16 |
North Carolina | The last day of February each year | Sold in | Requires a breakdown of each type of product | For pillows and Comforters, divide total by 5 and then add that total to other items. Multiply total by $.052 (Fee is atleast $50.00) |
Ohio | Due along with the license renewal | Shipped or Sold in | $0.04 | |
Oklahoma Jan 1 to Mar 31 | There is no actual due date. We like to get them in within 30 days | Not specified | $0.05 | |
Oklahoma Apr 1 to June 30 | There is no actual due date. We like to get them in within 30 days | Not specified | $0.05 | |
Oklahoma July 1 to Sept 30 | There is no actual due date. We like to get them in within 30 days | Not specified | $0.05 | |
Oklahoma Oct 1 to Dec 31 | There is no actual due date. We like to get them in within 30 days | Not specified | $0.05 | |
Pennsylvania | Due along with the license renewal | Shipped in to | $.05 (+ $157.31 for renewal) | |
Texas- Mattress | Bedding Laws Rescinded September, 2015 | Bedding Laws Rescinded September, 2015 | Bedding Laws Rescinded September, 2015 | |
Texas-Products | Bedding Laws Rescinded September, 2015 | Bedding Laws Rescinded September, 2015 | Bedding Laws Rescinded September, 2015 |
If you would like to receive reminder emails to tell you when an item report is due and/or licenses please contact us and let us know.