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1) Account page

Please note that this is the information you provided when you registered.  On this page you will find an “At A Glance” view of your Manufacturers, Importers/Distributors and whether or not they are compliant, as well as any invoices you may have.  If this is your first time here, the table will be blank. Once you have paid your invoice and  filled out your Company Information, and as your licenses arrive and are uploaded to Documents this table will become populated.

Let’s look at an example:


*Note you will not see this detail your first time here. 

If you click on any of your manufacturers or importer/distributors that are listed, you will be brought to a more detailed view of that particular manufacturer or importer/distributor.

Example of detailed view of licenses:



2) Company Information

If this is your first time here, please fill out your Company Information. If you are a returning user, please double check that your Company Information is complete and that none of your information has changed. If your Manufacturer’s physical address has changed please contact us right away at 207-894-3400, or contact us.  Here you will find

  1. Account (The information you entered when you registered, which displays on your Account page)
  2. Person Responsible for Certificates (who the licenses will go to)
  3. Mailing Address (if you have more than one mailing address you will need an additional account)
  4. Manufacturers (add or edit your manufacturers information)
  5. Importers/Distributors (add or edit your importers/distributors information)

*Please note that we need all of this information to complete your applications.



3) Documents

This Documents page is where the licenses are uploaded. This feeds your “At A Glance” charts on the Account page and the more detailed view for each of your individual manufacturers and/or importer/distributors.

  1. You must complete your Company Information before you can add Documents. (This enables you to assign the documents to a manufacturer or importer/distributor).
  2. Select the tab for the type of document you are going to upload. (Manufacturer license, Importer/Distributor license, Law Labels, Product Pictures, Sterilization Permits, or Renewals).
  3. Click Upload
  4. Fill in your Document Title. If you have more than one location then I suggest you name the document something meaningful to you. For example, if one of your plants is in Portland Maine and one of your plants is in Windham Maine, you might want to name the document “Portland, CA License”. The documents will be sorted alphabetically by the Title of each document.



Follow the remaining steps….  

Tip! The Renewals tab can be used to upload Renewal Forms, or paperwork you have sent in. This way you can keep all the documents related to your registrations together in one place, and anyone you choose can access them from anywhere with an internet connection. You just give them your login and password OR they can sign up for their own account (if you don’t want them to see everything, like your invoices) and we can share any documents you wish with them!


4) State Fees

This will show you a list of the state’s various fees. Some states do charge additional fees for testing, per units shipped or sold in their state, and more. Check your invoice for complete details about which fees apply to your situation or contact us.