10/22/2014: The Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF) is expanding its online services to make it easier to apply for, update, renew and pay for certain licenses.
“These expanded online services will make it much easier for our customers to do business with us, said Ken Gee,” Information Technology manager.
With the new services in place, beekeepers can update the locations of their hives online, companies that have any type of license with UDAF can pay for multiple license applications and renewals in one batch transaction, and first time license applications can be submitted electronically. While the hive registration service only benefits beekeepers, the two licensing services can benefit all companies that have licenses or registrations with UDAF.
Below is more detail on each of the expanded services:
By state law, beekeepers are supposed to register their hives with UDAF and provide the location of each hive. To this point, beekeepers would usually call or email the updated locations of hives, and a UDAF employee would enter that information into the database. Now, beekeepers can go into their online account (http://webapp.ag.utah.gov/LicenseLookup/userLogin.jsp) and update the addresses or GPS coordinates of their hives. This new service saves time and benefits both UDAF and individual beekeepers. With current records, State inspectors can quickly alert owners of nearby hives whenever a hive disease or other problem is detected. Beekeepers can move nearby healthy hives to slow or stop the spread of disease, and save money.
Another online application upgrade allows companies to pay for multiple license renewal transactions at one time, which can save a lot of time. To this point, a pest control company, for example, with 50 pesticide applicator licenses to renew, would have to pay for the renewal in 50 separate transactions. Now, once the requirements of the renewals are met, the company can pay for all the license renewals at one time. (http://webapp.ag.utah.gov/LicenseLookup/companyLicenseList.jsp) This new feature impacts many companies registering and renewal several license types with UDAF.
Finally, up to this point, anyone applying for a license for the first time with the department had to apply on paper in person. While online license renewals have been available for 10 years, the new online service allows first time license applications to also be done electronically.
The full list of online services UDAF offers is available at: http://ag.utah.gov/online-services.html. Click on licensing to access all of the new services.